Pier Composite Photo #1

Photographic Competition Gallery - November 2018

Below are the ten photographs which were entered into the Birnbeck Regeneration Trust's November 2018 Photographic Competition. These had been submitted by the individual photographers by means of posting them to our Facebook Community Page .

All photos posted to the page between the start and the end of the current month were entered into the competition, before the public voting phase took place on Facebook for the following fortnight.

The number of 'likes' (and 'loves'!) for each photograph were used to choose the winners.

Once again, we thank everyone who entered the competition and similarly thank all of you who voted for the individual photographs by posting Facebook 'likes' or 'loves' for the entries!

Competition General Rules:

Please mark your post with 'Competition Entry' or similar, so that we can filter out randomly posted images.

A maximum of three entries per photographer per competition please - and please submit different photographs each time!

Only photos taken from the mainland, shoreline, boat or drone will be considered, any photos taken (illegally) from the island itself will be disregarded, and all entries must be posted directly to the Trust's public Facebook page in the first instance.

Any entries sent in over the number limit will, with the photographers' consent, be entered into the following competition.

We equally welcome any older photographs which you would might like to enter.

We will add the statistics for the results to the monthly gallery page at the end of the competition.

We look forward to seeing more of your submissions in future competitions!

Photo Competition Entry #010

             By Chris Sweet   *** COMPETITION WINNER - 75 votes ***
             (Reach 860; ratio of votes/number reached = 1 vote per 11.47 views)

Photo Competition Entry #003

             By Clare Furminger   ** Second place winner - 57 votes **
             (Reach 571; ratio of votes/number reached = 1 vote per 10.00 views)

Photo Competition Entry #004

             By Rod Higginson   * Third place winner - 55 votes *
             (Reach 469; ratio of votes/number reached = 1 vote per 8.53 views)

Photo Competition Entry #009

             By David James   52 votes  (Reach 798; ratio of votes/number reached = 1 vote per 15.34 views)

Photo Competition Entry #006

             By Marie Welch   41 votes  (Reach 434; ratio of votes/number reached = 1 vote per 10.59 views)

Photo Competition Entry #007

             By Danny Skyrme   39 votes  (Reach 360; ratio of votes/number reached = 1 vote per 9.23 views)

Photo Competition Entry #001

             By Steve Ward   39 votes  (Reach 471; ratio of votes/number reached = 1 vote per 12.08 views)

Photo Competition Entry #008

             By David James   16 votes  (Reach 203; ratio of votes/number reached = 1 vote per 12.69 views)

Photo Competition Entry #002

             By Martin Powis   11 votes  (Reach 284; ratio of votes/number reached = 1 vote per 12.82 views)

Photo Competition Entry #005

             By Vickie Bomford-Glaysher   9 votes  (Reach 384; ratio of votes/number reached = 1 vote
              per 42.66 views)

We wholeheartedly thank everyone who entered the competition and similarly thank all of you
who voted for the individual photographs by posting your 'likes' or 'loves' for these entries!

Another photographic competition coming soon!

(If you wish to further reproduce any of these images please contact the photographer directly
- please click on the copyright owner's name in each case to visit their personal Facebook page.)

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